Venue: Bedfordshire Golf Club
Spring Lane, Bedford, MK43 8SR
Format: Singles Stableford
Tees: Yellow
Handicap: 95% Course Handicap
Qualifier: Yes
Gimmes: No
Dress Code : Smart Casual in the clubhouse after Golf
MEET UP AT 9:30 for coffee and bacon rolls.
10:36 M.Copperwheat , M.Howell , P.Curley
10:44 R.Freeman, A.Ross, A.MacArthur
10:52 C.Freeman , J.Quinn , D.Wright
11:00 M.Riches , C.Burgess , L.Tucker
11:08 K.Jones, M.Simpson, P.Whistler
11:16 I.Potter, D.Stamp , D.Tilley
11:24 F.Anstey , M.Rennie (guest) , M.Durkin
11:32 P.Hudson , T.O’Neill , S.Redhead
11.40 P.Dennis , J.Kitchener , K.Hughes
11:48 G.Andrews , M.Barnard , A Sweeney
Playing Handicaps – The Bedfordshire
