Thursday 8th September 2022
Terms of Competition:
- The competition will be 36 hole scratch medal over the Blue Course.
- The winner will be the player with the lowest aggregate score. In the event of any tie there will be a sudden death playoff (18th hole).
- Playing partners and tee off times will be allotted by the Club and published 7 days in advance of the competition.
- Riding in motorised carts is not allowed.
- Players will be provided with bacon rolls, tea/coffee on arrival and a light lunch between rounds
- Practice rounds are available at a cost of £20, Tee times must be booked through the professionals Shop
Entry Details:
- Entries will be accepted from male Amateur golfers whose handicap index does not exceed 8.0 under the WHS.
- In the event of applications exceeding 60 the higher handicap players will be balloted out immediately after the closing date.
- Entries close on Thursday 1st September 2022. The entry fee is £45
- The Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry without giving reasons for its decision.
- The winner will hold the title for one year and his name will be engraved on the Chris Hawksby Cup which will be retained by the Club.
- The winner will receive an engraved Salver.
- Vouchers will be given to players in the first six places.