FORMAT : Singles Stableford
Handicap: 95% Course handicap , Max HI 28.0
Qualifier: Yes
Gimmes : No
Score : Enter Scores into PSI screen outside Pro Shop
Cards : Place Cards in the box.
The Draw

Bedford, Bedfordshire
by Carl Burgess
by Carl Burgess
Format: Individual Mulligans Stableford
Tees : Yellow
Handicap: 95% Course handicap
Gimmes : Yes
Mulligan Rules: Each player is allocated 4 Mulligans (aka Do Overs) that can be played at any time, only once per hole
When playing a Mulligan place another ball within 1 card length of your original shot , this then becomes your ball in play and you can discount the previous shot altogether and pick up that ball as if you had never played it.
Make sure you mark your card with the M by the hole where the Mulligan was played.
Add half the total of unused mulligans to your score at the end of your round.
Final Score = Stableford Total + (Unused Mulligans)/2
8:04 JHC Noel Moody v Chris Freeman
8:12 , Mick Barnard, John Quinn
8:20, Pat Moroney, Alastair MacArthur, Mike Riches
8:28, Phil Wilson, Roger Lucas, Harmit Bahra
8:36, Carl Burgess, David Motion, Ian Potter
by Carl Burgess
FORMAT : Singles Stableford
Handicap: 95% Course handicap
Qualifier: Yes
Gimmes : No
Score : Enter Scores into PSI screen outside Pro Shop
Cards : Place Cards in the box.
Committee Meeting
8:04 Salver : Chris Freeman, Carl Burgess
Summer Plate
Tees: Yellow
8:12, Bob Freeman, Peter Whistler
8:20, Pat Moroney, John Morrow, Jim Horn
8:28, Mike Riches, John Beckett, Allan Burton
8:36, Adrian Noon, Mike Durkin, Peter Hudson
Summer Salver
Tees: White
8:44 Paul Curley, Derek Tilley, Simon Hodgson
8:52, Ian Potter, Graham Andrews , Alan Sweeney
9:00, Graham Newman, Barrie Buckley, Kevin Hughes
9:08, Cliff Carpenter, John Quinn, Kevin Jones
9:16, Roger Lucas, Les Tucker, Geoff Banks
9:24, Mike Reay, Michael Brown, Jim Roche
9:32, Mick Barnard, Fred Anstey, Phil Nutley
9:40, Paul Ward, Duncan Stamp, Alan Ross
Standing After Round 3
by Carl Burgess
Format: Best 2 out of 3
Tees : Yellow
Handicap: 85% Course handicap
Gimmes : Yes
Score Per Hole = Add the Best 2 scores of the 3 players
2 Balls will be allocated a Ghost , chosen randomly from the other players to make up their third player.
8:04, Chris Freeman, Kevin Jones ,Roger Lucas
8:12, Mick Barnard, Ian Potter ,Dave Wright
8:20, Paul Ward, Pete Whistler, Alan Sweeney
8:28, Alastair MacArthur, Phil Nutley, John Kitchener
8:36, Graham Andrews, Mike Reay, Martin Simpson
8:44, John Morrow, Mike Riches, Pat Moroney
by Carl Burgess
Alan Ross |
Robert Freeman |
Carl Burgess |
Chris Freeman |
Dave Wright |
Derek Tilley |
Fred Anstey |
Harmit Bahra |
John Quinn |
Les Tucker |
Martin Copperwheat |
Michael Brown |
Michael Barnard |
Peter Whistler |
Phil Dennis |
Simon Hodgson |